Hacks 4 U: Top 'Five' Worst Hacks Of All Time
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Top 'Five' Worst Hacks Of All Time

5 Worst Hacks of All Time

Buddies4U Presents U With The Worst Hacks.........

5 worst hacks of all time
You might think cyber crime and hacking is a moot point–that cyber criminals have yet to become a force big enough that’s worth warranting serious consideration. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what they want you to think, and you could not be further from the truth. Cyber crime is political. It’s international. It’s government-sponsored. It’s militaristic. And it’s fiscally devastating. You see, that is the very nature of a criminal operating in the cyber sphere. They are silent assassins, doing everything to pilfer from every corner of every institution (no matter how big or small), all while doing their very best so that you never hear about it.
 They are the online equivalent of pickpockets, and are genius at forever keeping you from ascertaining the truths about their behavior.
Cyber crime is like magic to us. We can’t see it every day, so we’re naturally blind to it. And because we’re blind to it, hacking thrives, while we keep telling ourselves that it’ll never happen to us. 
Just because you have some security in place doesn’t mean you don’t need to monitor it or constantly strengthen it. In today’s world, and at the levels of cyber crime we’re experiencing, security is to be an on-going process; we can’t take a reactionary approach to it and just “put out fires when as may arise.” Sure, fires are rare, but when they do occur, they’re relentlessly damaging.
We want to enlighten you with the truth. Even the biggest companies have been hacked. No one’s immune. 2012 alone has experienced several high-profile hacks.  Here’s what cyber attacks crack our list of the Top 5 most popular hacks in history:
1. TitanRain: Code word by the FBI for the series of infiltrations into US military security; believed to originate from China. TitanRain perhaps signals that the new form of invasion has little to due with the invasion of troops and espionage personnel, but everything to due with technology!
2. MafiaBoy: the alias used by the Michael Calce, who single-handedly took down internet-giants Yahoo!, Amazon, CNN, and Ebay (just to name a few) with Denail of Service of service attacks. What’s more impressive? This guy was only a high-school student at the time! All in the effort to prove that overall net security is weak…point taken.
3. Sony Playstation Network: Likely the work of the infamous LulzSec Hacking Group and one of the costliest hacks ever, with estimated damage between 1-2 billion dollars! The data breach made accessible over 77 million registered Playstation Networker’s personal information to the culprit(s). Not to mention the lawsuits…bad stretch for Sony.
4. The MyDoom Virus: Considered by many as the most rapidly spread virus ever, with unknown estimates for total fiscal damage. The worm steals email addresses from the infected machine and also automatically generates random email addresses for propagation. At its peak, it’s believed that 1 in every 12 emails carried the worm! The perpetrator of this nightmare still remains a mystery. Imagine a world without reliable email. MyDoom nearly made this a reality.
5. The Morris Worm: One of the biggest accidents in history. Named after its creator Robert Morris, this was one of the first computer worms distributed across the Internet. In Morris’s attempt to gauge the size of the Internet at the time, it rendered thousands of computers completely useless (approximately 10% of all machines connected to the Web at the time!) Mr. Morris was a student at Cornell at the time, and ironically, is now a professor at MIT. Imagine if the Internet was the size it is today…
Think something else should make the list? Tell us! Share with us your take on cyber crime. Let’s keep the discussion going.